fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=2184 RSS 2.0 23 건 게시물 검색 논문 제목 작성자 게시글 리스트 논문 번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 23 TRIM22 facilitates autophagosome-lysosome fusion by mediating the association of GABARAPs and PLEKHM1 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 142 22 Crystal structure of LRG1 and the functional significance of LRG1 glycan for LPHN2 activation 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 99 21 Tuning of distinguished fluorescent responses to methylmercury and Hg2+ ions: Selective detection of methylmercury ~ 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 117 20 Hypoxic regulation of extracellular vesicles: Implications for cancer therapy 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 110 19 Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers: moving from CSF to plasma for reliable detection of amyloid and tau pathology 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 110 18 Development of Peptide-based Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe ~ 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 96 17 Targeting E3 ubiquitin ligases and their adaptors as a therapeutic strategy for metabolic diseases 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 73 16 Vactosertib, TGF-β receptor I inhibitor, augments the sensitization of the anti-cancer activity of gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 84 15 Contribution of High-Intensity Interval Exercise in the Fasted State to Fat Browning: Potential Roles of Lactate and β-Hydroxybutyrate 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 71 14 Ratiometric fluorescence sensing system for lead ions based on self-assembly of bioprobes triggered by specific Pb2+-peptide interactions 세포교신제어연구센터 2024.03.12 71 처음 13 1 2 3 다음 페이지 끝